Contract furnishing

Contract furnishing

Over 30 years of experience in the creation of made in Italy furniture make the Micucci Arredamenti artisans a perfect team to realise furnishing projects in the contract formula. Professional and refined fittings for hotels, restaurants, clubs and offices but also cruise ships, museums or shopping canters.

Contract furnishing

Contract furniture, custom-made solutions for complex projects

Contract furnishing involves the management of complex projects. Not only the simple supply of furniture, but also the realisation of the entire fitting, from the design to the assembly.

Lavorare in formula contract significa realizzare un arredamento unico, davvero personalizzato e su misura. Un approccio esattamente opposto alle forniture seriali di mobili, basate sui grandi numeri e sulla perfetta ripetibilità dei prodotti. L’arredamento contract, quindi, richiede creatività nella progettazione, disponibilità di una rete professionale ampia e solida e flessibilità nell’organizzazione e nella gestione del lavoro.

Working in a contract formula means realising a unique, truly personalized and tailor-made furniture. An exactly opposite approach to serial furniture supplies, based on large numbers and perfect product repeatability. Contract furniture therefore requires creativity in the design, availability of a large and solid professional network and flexibility in the organization and management of work.

The guaranteed result is a “turnkey” furnishing, defined in every detail and in line with your wishes and needs.

Turnkey fittings, first choice furniture

Look at our works

We follow you in setting up your shop, step by step

The path of contract furniture is adaptable to different sectors and jobs, from homes to the setting up of shopping canters, passing through hotels, clubs and offices of large companies. It is not the size that makes the difference but the overall view.

Hotelcontract fittings, personality and elegance

The contract formula is widely used in hotel furnishing. Hotels and accommodations, in fact, require a design that can satisfy the needs of different spaces (bedrooms, bathrooms, common areas, spas, restaurants), while maintaining a uniform personality and ensuring class and elegance.

Contract fittings forshops and clubs, style and personality

The shops and clubs’ fittings, if created in a contract formula, relieves the owner of the task of interfacing with different suppliers. Furthermore, it offers him the possibility to imagine in a clear and coherent way the style and personality with which he wants to present his business to customers.

Contractfurniture for companies and offices, functionality and hospitality

Furnishing with a contract formula corporate offices allows total customization of style and the perfect optimization of spaces. A turnkey and custom-made solution that benefits employees, who will enjoy a more liveable workplace, and the company, which will have only one supplier for the whole project.
